Arrow Dark


An Eyebrow Hair transplant is basically a cosmetic procedure that makes the eyebrow area fuller with natural-looking hair. MAX Hair Clinic offers the Sapphire and Mirror methods to attain the best angular and geometric directions for perfect eyebrow shapes. Many people who suffer from trichotillomania or alopecia areata benefit from an eyebrow transplant. This permanent procedure can last a lifetime. It takes a few months to see visible results after the hair transplant. But the good part is that the recovery time is reasonably quick. The grafts are obtained from the Nape area. Later, the collected grafts are implanted into the eyebrows. This implantation helps your brow look well-defined with natural-looking hair. At MAX Hair Clinic, eyebrow transplants are performed by highly skilled cosmetic or plastic surgeons who help with pre- and post-implant recovery.
